Green Signature provides the best cloud services for managing Emails Signatures centrally. Its provides the same highest level benefits as our Green Signature Manager Exchange Edition, on-premise. The Software Email Signatures for Email Architecture has been designed using Microsoft Certified Preferred Experts that takes Email Signature Management to the NextGen Creation Technology.
Green Signature Cloud - Servers are hosted in all the regional Microsoft Azure Datacenters worldwide to provide the Microsoft Office365 Emails users with outstanding security of mail flow. This makes the mail to be within the same region all the time until the email is relayed to the final recipient, in the process of attaching the sender's signature to the email.
All regional datacenters configuration provides the best High-Availability for the Green Signature Cloud Service. Green Signature Cloud Servers setup meets the Corporate & Government Sectors Compliance demands that their email stays within their regional datacenter until relayed to the final recipient, in the process of stamping the Senders’ Signature to the email.
Green Signature has been providing a robust portfolio of email utility software and solutions that work directly with Microsoft technology, specifically Outlook, Office 365, Exchange and G Suite.